lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

Count On Me - Bruno Mars Lyrics

Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars Lyrics

Unit 3 Your Free Time. Basic English Practice

Basic English Practice
Unit 3 Your Free Time

A. Change the sentences given to negative.

1.Carlos works in the city.
Carlos doesn´t work in the city.

2. On Thursdays we watch movies at night.
On Thursdays we don´t watch movies at night.

3. I do a lot of things in my free time.
I don´t do a lot of things in my free time.

4. My parents have lunch at a Chinese restaurant on Saturdays.
They don´t have lunch  at a Chinese restaurant on Saturdays.

5. She sends a text message to me.
She doesn´t send a text message to me.

6.We listen to music on our way home.
We don´t listen to music on our way home.

7.He goes to to the gym every day.
He doesn´t go to the gym every day.

8.They meet at the office at 1:00 pm.
They don´t meet at the office at 1:00 pm.

B. Use the information given to write complete sentences with can or can´t. Use a different subject in each sentence.

1.swim in the ocean(-)
I can´t swim in the ocean. karate(+)
I can do karate. the guitar(?)
Can you play the guitar?

4.go running (-)
I can´t go running. yoga (+)
She can do yoga.

6.speak French (?)
Can you speak French?

7. run 42 miles (?)
Can you run 42 miles?

8.write a paragraph (+)
She can write a paragraph.

C. Read the following situation and write one suggestion for each one. Use Let´s...,Why don´t you....?, How about....?

1. I need to make a phone call.
Let´s make a phone call.

2.I would like to have some free time.
Why don´t you have some free time?

3. I love dancing salsa.
Let´s go to dance salsa.

4.My car has a flat tire.
How about changins the tire?

5. I have a pain in my back.
Let´s go to see a doctor.

6.I really enjoy taking pictures of my friends, but my camera is broken.
Why don´t you buy another camera?

D. Answer the following questions based on your experiences.

1. What can you do in the morning?
I can do exercises, but I can´t swim.

2. Can your family have dinner together on weekends?
Yes, they can have dinner together on weekends, but they can´t travel together.

3.Can your classmates introduce themselves in class?
Yes, they can introduce themselves in class, but they can´t speak English.

4. Where can you exercise every day?
I can exercise every day in the park, but I can´t drive because  I don´t have a car.

5. Can you tell your classmates your daily routines?
Yes, I can.

domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

Unit 2 Work and Leisure

Basic English Practice

Unit 2 Work and Leisure.

A. Complete the sentences with the correct conjugation of each verb given. Use the simple present tense.

1.Jenny gets (get up) very early in the morning.
2.Daniel and Joshua have (have) breakfast in the restaurant.
3.The bank opens (open) at 8:45am.
4.You leave (leave) the office in the evening.
5.Jeanette washes (wash)her car every Saturday.
6.Our printer machine has (have) no paper.
7.The meeting finishes (finish)at the same hour every week.
8.My family and I go (go) home at night.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct  auxiliary DO or DOES.

1. Does your sister study on weekends?
2. What do you do in the afternoon?
3.Does he like his new apartment?
4.How does the concert go?
5. Does her wallet have money?
6.Do the students finish classes at 9:30 pm?
7: Where do they go after school?
8. Do we work until 6 ó clock today?

C. Change the words given to plural form.

1. printer -printers - watches
3. baby - babies - phones - dishes
6.shark - sharks
7.woman - women
8.scarf - scarves
9.half - halves
10.mouse - mice
11.tomato - tomatoes
12. family - families.

D. Rewrite the sentences as Yes/No Questions.

1. You wake up late.
Do you wake up late?

2. She goes to bed at eleven thirty.
Does she go to bed at eleven thirty?

3. John and Sue take a shower every day.
Do they take a shower every day?

4. They watch the news at noon.
Do  they watch the news at noon?

5. Melanie meets interesting people every day.
Does she meet interesting people every day?

6.Julio walks to work at 7:00 am.
Does he walk to work at 7:00 am?

E. Rewrite the sentences as WH-Questions. The underlined part is the answer to the question.

1. John works at a museum.
Where does John work?

2. She speaks fast.
How does she speak?

3. I listen to rock music.
What do you listen to?

4.They have luch at 1:00 pm.
When do they have luch?

5. I get to work by bus.
How do you get to work?

6. Danielle exercises every day.
When does she exercise?

F. Change the sentences to negative.

1. Sally likes the radio.
She doesn´t like the radio.

2. I live in Brazil.
I don´t live in Brazil.

3. They visit their family.
They don´t visit their family.

4.He has a problem.
He doesn´t have a problem.

5.We use the computer a lot.
We don´t use the computer a lot.

6. Sasha goes to cinema.
She doesn´t go to cinema.

martes, 23 de junio de 2015

Speaking Project # 1

Tuesday June 23rd
English Basic (17-0001)
Professor: Krisia Cantillano.

Role play
Speaking Project #1
“Getting to know The University Ulacit”

Melvin: Excuse me. Can you help me? Please.
Stephanie: Sure.  What can I do for you?
Melvin: I go to English classes, but I don´t  know where the classroom is.
Raquel: English classes are on the sixth floor and the classroom is 321.
Stephanie: We are going there too.
Raquel: What´s your name?
Melvin: My name is Melvin. And you?
Raquel: I´m Raquel and she is Stephanie.
Melvin: Nice to meet you.      
Stephanie: Nice to meet you too.
Melvin: Where are you from  Stephanie?
Stephanie: I am from Costa Rica. Where are you from?
Melvin: I´m from The United States. And you Raquel?
Raquel: I´m from Costa Rica too.
Stephanie: What do you do, Melvin?
Melvin: I´m a student, I study Computer Science.
Raquel: Oh!! Very good.
Stephanie: Where do you live Melvin?
Melvin: I live in Heredia.
Raquel: Melvin, can you drive?         
Melvin: Yes, I can. This is my car.
Stephanie: Very nice car.
Melvin: Raquel, What do you do in your free time?
Raquel: In my free time, I like to dance, listen to music, run, and sometimes I go to the Cinema  with my Friends.
Melvin: Very good Raquel. In my free time I like to play Tennis, and read a book. How about you, Stephanie?.
Stephanie: I like to go to the Gym, listen to music, cook, watch TV and relax, but I can´t swim.
Stephanie: Guys, I´m hungry. Let´s go to eat something.
Raquel: Yes, Let´s go.
Stephanie: Ok. Let´s go, but Let´s choose a restaurant that is not expensive because I don´t have a lot of money.
Melvin: How much money do you have?
Stephanie: I have $20 dollars.
Raquel: Ah, it´s Ok. Would do you like to eat, Stephanie?
Stephanie: Yes, I´d like a hamburger, some soda, and some patatoes. And you Melvin?
Melvin: I´d like some chicken, soda and some ice cream. And you Raquel?
Raquel: I´d like some fish, Orange juice, and some salad.
Stephanie: Good guys. See you later.
Melvin: Good bye.

Raquel: Bye.

sábado, 20 de junio de 2015

Basic English Practice.

Change the sentences to negative.

1. John is here. 
John is not here.

2.They are my friends.
They are not my friends.

3.I am a student.
 I´m not a student.

Change the sentences to Yes/ No Questions.

4.The students are outside in the rain.
Are the students outside in the rain?

5. Our book is very old.
Is our book very old?

6.She is the new student from Japan.
Is she the new student from Japan?

Change the sentences to WH-Questions.

7.The students are from Australia.
Where are they from?

8.I am 35 years old.
How old are you?

9.Mary´s last name is Anderson.
What is Mary's?

Contract the following words.

I am= I´m     She is= She´s   They are= They´re.

 Complete the sentences with the articles a or an.

1. Karina´s father is a dentist.

2. Are you an uncle and a brother?

3. She is an excellent artist and a journalist.

4.Our father-in-law is an engineer.

Complete the sentences with possessive adjectives.

1. I´m Adriana. My family is from Argentina.

2. Noah´s sisters are nurses their names are Katrina and Joanne.

3. This is Alice´s house. Her house is very beautiful.

4. Is he your father?
 No, he is my older brother.

Give short answers to the following YES/NO Questions.

1. Are you Costa Rican?. 
  Yes, I am.

 2. Is your mother from Colombia?. 
 No, she is not.

3. Are you a lawyer?. 
  No, I am.

 Give complete answers to the following WH-Questions.

1. How old are you?
I´m 31 years old.

2. What do you do?
I´m a student.

3. Where are from?
I´m from Costa Rica.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Summary week # 4

Writing # 1 Daily Activities 

First, I get up at 6:15 am, I have a shower and I get ready to go to work.
I walk for 15 minutes to get to work and I arrive at 7:15 am. I have breackfast at 8.30 am.
At 8.45 am I continue my daily office work. At 12:00 noon I have luch, and I come back at 1:00 pm, to continue my work.
At 3.30 pm, I have a 15 minutes coffee breack, and I come back at 3:45 pm to end my duties.
At 5.00 pm my workday ends.
Then I walk home my house, and it takes me 15 minutes to arrive, there. I get home at 5:20 pm.
I to go to the University Ulacit at 5:30 pm.
I go to the University and have classes from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm when I go to a rest and eat something. At 9:30 pm classes end.
After school , my boyfriend picks me up and takes me home.
He get to my house at 10:00 pm. At 10.35 pm when I brush my teeth , and I put on my pajamas.
At 10:45 pm I go to be to rest from a busy day...


1.Where do you usually go on vacation?
I usually go to the beach to La Fortuna, San Carlos.

2. How do you get there?
- by car
-by bus

3.How do you go with?
with my family
with my boyfriend

4.What do you make with you?
my umbrela
my tablet
my cell phone

5.When do you get up?
I get up at eight thirty.

6. What do you do in the day?
I visit volcano arenal.

7. What do you do in the evening?
I have dinner.

8.What time do you go to bed?
I go to bed at ten thirty..


English is an important and popular language to communicate with others.

It has not been easy for me to take this course because I do not master this language and I confess that it has been difficult to understand the kind. The Kriscia professor teaching this language is excellent. I hope to pass this course and move to the next level.